This filter gives a distortion effect
Trap 6. The illusion of technical skills that confuses young employees” The importance of portable skills and organizational strategy. Career plans are made up of a combination of specialized skills and portable skills. `` Trap 7. Delegation of authority is a formality that slows down leadership development.'' Provide many opportunities to make decisions and provide experience in facing conflicts. Decision-making opportunities foster growth.I've been running a company for about 15 years, including my previous job, and I remember all of them during my career as a manager, and I'm always amazed when I read them again. In order to continue building a competitive organization, I once again thought Phone Number List about tightening my focus.Within the company, he is mainly in charge of the front side of corporate websites and other websites, and he is currently interested in the direction of movement and direction, and is studying every day.
This time, he had a chance to use pixi.js, a library specializing in 2D expressions, so he would like to introduce some of the filters he learned there and write a simple implementation flow. If you are interested in pixi.js, please try it out! DisplacementFilter . For example, if you apply this filter to the fade-in and fade-out sliders that you often see on websites , you can create a completely different feel. The distortion will change depending on the brightness of the filter material image, so it might be interesting to try various things.