It is one of the basic sequences of Persuasive Communication and Direct Marketing in general. But it's a very important pattern for direct response copywriting. Direct response copywriting PAS writing scheme Here are useful tips for those who want to write a direct response copywriting text. You need to give as much information as possible If you want to do direct response copywriting you need to know that you will most likely have to write a lot. Even David Ogilvy , one of the best advertisers in history, argued that the more information you offer the reader, the higher the chances of getting his attention. You have to write quality texts Clearly, it is not a merely quantitative
discussion. But the text you write must be of quality . 1000 Mobile Number List Therefore, it is not important HOW MUCH to write but above all WHAT to write. If you have to write a lot so as not to add any relevant information, you can also do without it. Remember that your goal is to convince a person to make a choice immediately after reading your copy. The reader wants to be informed and feel safe and calm about the decision he is about to make, whatever it may be. This is why you have to work on your text so that it is not repetitive, but decisive! Write a Call to Action The Call to Action must be the final sentence that definitively convinces the reader. The call to action must be
simple but at the same time extremely persuasive. It must make the user understand - clearly - what will happen when he performs the action. “ Sign up for free ” is a typical example of an effective Call to Action that is often used in persuasive copywriting. A call to action that works is generally: brief concise direct irrefutable What changes compared to traditional copywriting? Copywriting was born with advertising : everything that is designed and created to promote a good or service needs textual support. This is how the job of copywriter was born!