Content Marketing professionals are very concerned about optimization. In any content production, the planning phase must be prioritized. It is necessary to research the keywords most used in searches for the subject, as well as use SEO (search optimization) techniques throughout production. Finally, should the content have a call to action? For writers or journalists, at most, there is a call to in traditional media. If right after the content there is aannouncement, this is
rarely related to the subject discussed. On the other hand, content produced Wuhan Mobile Number List within Content Marketing work must always have a call to action, the presentation of the next step. Furthermore, if on the publication's website there isadverts, these are contextual to the subject matter. This chart is my opinion regarding the goals of journalists and content marketers. It would be great if you joined the discussion and disagreed, agreed, or proposed new approaches or options. Yes, the worlds are so different... So, why
are companies looking for journalists and writers to work with brands and Content Marketing ?The comparison between Journalism and content marketing shows that, above all, journalism is not content marketing, nor vice versa.The comparison between Content Marketing and Journalism shows great similarity in principles and significant differences in objectives and messages. In this analysis, we consider brand journalists as content marketers. The best way to show the differences between two things that are perceived to be very similar is to compare them in detail.