Blog article, and hands down content wins.” Adam said that when he’s tried hard sells in the past he’s received less than 1% response rates, but with content, he would get 10% or higher. .6: Prioritize Mobile Friendliness Mobile, mobile, mobile – yes, we understand it’s important! But how important is it for the education industry? According to Adam, very! “During certain periods we’ve seen as high as 80% of our traffic is coming from mobile,” he says.
So, what should you do to optimize for mobile? Here’s a few steps to get started… First, look at YOUR IT Numbers data! Segment by device in Google Ads to see how much of your traffic is coming from mobile. Dig into Analytics to see the cross-device behaviors of your visitors. Grasp an understanding of your mobile audience before making major changes. Higher education marketing screenshot showing how to segment by device Ensure your site is mobile friendly. Pull up your homepage, prime PPC landing pages, contact us page, etc., and see how they appear on your iPhone or Android.
Are you doing a lot of zooming in and squinting at the screen? Then you might need to work on overhauling your site to make sure the mobile experience doesn’t turn your on-the-go searchers away. Adjust mobile bids. like Adam is, you’re going to want to bid significantly higher on mobile devices. Optimize your ads for mobile searchers. Use quick, to-the-point copy, ensure ad extensions are set up, and forms are short. .7: Boost Budget for Prime Times in Summer & Winter The end of summer always marks the time to gear up for the yellow school buses lining the streets and local town traffic clogging the roads at 7:00 AM and again at 2:00-3:00 PM. Naturally.