Let s discover together the complex relationship between emotions their intensity and clicks By better understanding the role of emotions in your ads you will be able to get more clicks and leave a longer lasting impression in the minds of your audience Psychological arousal pushes users into emotional involvement Emotional valence whether an emotion is positive or negative was used as a primary indicator and predictor of content coverage The same thought process was adopted for toads marketers avoided using images or messages that could create a negative association with the brand This was before new research.
Explained the power of psychological stimulation In the book Contagious Phone Number List Berger states that arousal represents our predisposition to take action It is an evolutionary byproduct that helped our ancestors survive when faced with life or death issues Even if we no longer have to hunt for food or flee from predators psychological arousal still determines our ability to act Berger distinguishes between high and low arousal Anger excitement.
Humor or anxiety are all examples of high arousal They push us to take certain actions in response to those emotions unlike low arousal emotions such as sadness or satisfaction which keep us from taking action As you can see high arousal emotions can be positive or negative Anger generates just as much excitement as joy and both emotions compel us to take action rather than remain passive and disinterested Emotional valence is important but not as important.